Cuckoo Gin
Cuckoo Signature Gin is a complex gin. It has a smooth mouth feel to aid those who like to sip. After a slightly sweet, piney juniper start, the flavour then develops into citrus from orange, grapefruit and lemons. Also with a lingering taste of cinnamon spice and liquorice. Our Cuckoo Signature Gin is dry on the finish with a peppery kick from coriander seeds.
Experience the allure of Bouffe Wine 1985. Crafted with care, this vintage selection offers a symphony of flavors, with hints of fruit, spice, and oak. Indulge in this exceptional wine and let it transport your senses to a realm of exquisite taste and refinement.
- 1Fiber 2.2G
- 2Fat 3.1G
- 3Cholesterol 65MG
- 4Protein 1.5G
- 5Calories 170KCAL